Class: modpowprod

verificatum.arithm.modpowprod(w, t, e, m)

new modpowprod(w, t, e, m)

Computes a simultaneous exponentiation using a table of pre-computed values t for k bases b[0],...,b[k-1] and modulus m, i.e., it sets w = b[0]^e[0] * ... * b[k-1]^e[k-1].

ASSUMES: m > 1 has L limbs and e[i] has L limbs for i = 0,...,k - 1 and all inputs are positive, and that the table was computed with the same number k of bases and the same modulusm.

Name Type Description
w Holds the result.
t Table of products.
e List of k exponents.
m Modulus